22 June, 2008

The Incredible Hulk


Opening with flashback when the scientist Bruce Banner volunteer to receive an experiment to revive a World War II era military bio-force enchancement research project, meaning to create "supersolider" which Bruce hismelf has to be exposed to gamma radiation
. However, this experiment triggers an explosion thus resulting Elizabeth "Betty" Ross being hospitalized and Bruce becoming Hulk.

Now being on run as fugitive, Bruce staying in Brazil works in a soft drink bottling factory. At the same time, he tries to find a cure for his condition with the help of an Internet buddy named Mr. Blue. He also studies martial arts and meditative breathing technique under a Brazilian Aikido expert to help control his emotions and has not transformed into Hulk for five years.

While helping to repair some of the equipment in the factory, Bruce suffers a cut and unknownst to him, his blood drips into a soda bottle which eventually drank by an ill-fated consumer. Thus this incident leads Ross to Bruce's location and Ross sends a team included Emil Blonsky to capture him. Thanks to the hunt launched by the team for triggering his anger and transforming him into Hulk, he successfully escapes.

Bruce heads back to U.S and reunites with Betty for a day before he leaves. Unluckily when he leaves, Ross and Emil's force attacks him and then provokes him into becoming Hulk. Hulk flees with Betty who is unconscious after a helicopter he struck crashed nearby. Back to human form, Bruce travels together to New York City with Betty to meet Mr. Blue, who is Dr. Samuel Sterns at a university.

Upon meeting Dr. Samuel, they learn that Dr. Samuel has developed a possible antidote to cure Bruce's condition and yeah, they are successful! Unluckily Dr. Samuel's lab is attacked again. This time, Bruce can't escape anymore as he is shot by a tranquilizer dart from a sniper and become weakened. Bruce is wheeled out into a custody and brought into a helicopter.

Emil, who desperately wants power and power, threathens Dr. Samuel into injected Hulk's blood into his body. With the combination of the Super Solider formula, an overdosed Emil mutates into a powerful monster, "Abomination". Wishing to challenge Hulk, he rampages in middle of the city. Bruce realizes that the only one who can stop the monster is he himself as Hulk.

Jumping off from the helicopter, he crushed onto the ground then emerges as Hulk. Abomination and Hulk square off in a massive fight, until Hulk defeats Abomination by strangling him with a huge chain, then only releasing his grip after a plea from Betty. The army arrives which forced Hulk flees the scene.

31 days later, Bruce is in Bella Coola, British Columbia, attempting to initiate his transformation in a controlled manner. Meanwhile, Ross is drinking in a bar when he is approached by Tony Stark.


I think, compared to the 2003 movie; Hulk, this movie this year is better. Not like the movie Hulk, there are 2 villainous enemies - Ross and Abomination made debut in The Incredible Hulk, which makes the movie completely impressive. Like people saying, "More Villains Kept Coming, More Action Make Noise
!" I like the scene where Hulk say, "Hulk...SMASH!!!" then casts "Gamma Wave" thus traps Abomination in a makeshift fissure. It shows that what is real in Hulk like in comic book! The Hulk movie was disappointing as there were not much actions shown as Hulk only threw tanks or whatever. Too boring... Oh not again, Stan Lee keep appearing in all Superhero movies. X-Men... Spiderman... Daredevil... Fantastic Four... Ironman... and now The Incredible Hulk. But don't get me wrong. I am not meant to hate him. But instead of that, we should thank him. Without him, the comic book won't published and nowadays the comic book can't be adapted to the live-action movie! To me, Stan Lee is indeed a father to all Marvel Comic Superheroes!



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