11 October, 2008

Special A


Have you ever known someone who was better than you at everything you did? Hikari does. She's known Kei since they were both six years old and he's surpassed her at everything. Now they are the top two students in an extremely prestigious high school, with Kei holding firmly to that number one position, and Hikari is still determined to beat him, no matter what it takes!

For more information; Special A and SA's characters

Why it choose name 'Special A' for anime and manga? Because the characters study in the private academy, but its elitle school for the rich students only. Like Ouran High School. But, its different story. The classes are separated into A-F based on grades. The A class is only open for the top students in each grade. The top seven within the A class, from first year to third year, are known as the Special A or SA class. It's same like my school.. Normally, my school arranged the classes within follow their students's result. But, my school don't have same 'special' class as them!

If you get full marks in each subject and get to the rank 1-7 (Special A), you can join in that class and can do anything as you like! You no need to study in the class! O_O They always relax in their own buliding - 'SA's Paradise'. Pity a class teacher 'SA'..No one want go..but, Hikari can used to study in his class only.


It’s also got a great sense of humour! I laughed when I read this manga! Its very stupid about a love between Kei and Hikari..:D So, I really enjoyed the series of manga. We got to learn some things about the members of the SA, for example, Kei's abilities which dislike by the others, Jun having an alter ego, why Megumi usually won’t talk, Akira’s past, and etc. Hikari is rather dense when it comes to her feelings, but it is great because her enthusiasm and positive outlook. She really does embody the philosophy, "if at first you don’t succeed, try try again". You have to admire her determination and persistence. This is why she is very hardworking girl and always practice on everyday! She always follow Kei went to top rank! :O But, she is really monster!! like superhuman.. She can jump very high! She can beat the bad guys so easily! She’s been trained from an early age to do pro wrestling! She is not very good at the cooking..Haha.

Many students want to challenged the members of the SA, especially Hikari (ranked 2) and Ryuu(ranked 7) because they want to study in top class SA, but no one changed..I sure that they are very smart and have 'genius' abilites! For example, Ryuu has an abilite; attract the cute animal, and Aikra is very genius about her cooking - chef, Megumi's singing, and Kei has an abilite; can remember anything that he see once only. Hikari don't have any abilities. She is very poor but the SA's members treated her so very good, especially Aikra, her best friend. So, she have great friends! :)

It is great story! It is top rank 2 in the popular manga from 'MangaFox'!! :O I thought that Naruto and Bleach used to be rank 1 and 2.. So, you better to watch the Special A Anime! :D

Enjoy to read Special A manga!



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