02 May, 2008

Iron Man

Yesterday I went to cinema to watch the film, Iron Man with my friends... The cinema was almost full of audiences. >_<>


The story begins with Tony Stark,a weapon inventor and designer is kidnapped by a terrorist group called the Ten Rings when he is in Afghanistan to introduce his new missile design; The Jericho to U.S Air Force. While attempting to kidnap Tony Stark, Stark was injured by some pieces of shrapnel embedded near his heart. Upon gaining consciousness, he is ordered to create a weapon and given a workshop to work on.

Instead of creating a weapon for the terrorist group, he designed a bulletproof suit of power armor to escape and free from their captive. Back in U.S, he announces his company will no longer produce weapon, which makes Obadiah Stane being furious and remove Tony Stark as CEO of the company. Stark develops an upgraded suit complete with advanced weapon and flying. In meantime, Stane steals Stark's first blueprint of the armor then builds own version to kill Stark.

Learning Stane's true intention, Stark dons the armor and eventually faces off against Stane thus defeats him with the help of his best friend, Jim Rhodes and his interest love, Pepper Potts. In the end, Stark reveal that he is indeed Iron Man despite Rhodes's advice.


Well, I never read the comic, Iron Man, so I don't know what is the difference between the comic and the live-action film.. The action scene is not so much as it rather being focused on the introduction of Iron Man being created in first time. However, when it comes to the scene where Stark has to face off against Stane, Iron Man really did a good performance which looks like a scene when a single Power Ranger has to fight with a mechanic beast... Haha, it's at least funny and entertaining rather than being disappointed. I hope the second sequel of Iron Man would be more entertaining with better storyline, extremely drastic actions and "dangerous" villains!



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