25 November, 2008

Zero no Tsukaima


Meeting our protagonist in this anime; Louise, a second year student at Tristain Academy of Magic where those who can use magic are either mages or nobles. Lousie however is terrible at magic and can never use it the way she wants to. Because of her current record, she is given the nickname "Louise the Zero" by her classmates.

Early in the school year, the second year students have to summon their familiars; this is considered a special ritual where a mage summons their eternal protector and partner. This moment, she summons up all her magic and gets Saito Hiraga, leaving her totally humiliated. Due to the rules of the ritual, Louise is left with no choice but have to accept Saito as her familiar. She then proceeds to treat Saito as any other familiar!

One day Saito challenges a disrespectful noble to a duel and during the duel, a sword appears in Saito's hands thus he obtains a mysterious power. With this power, he is able to defeat him in the duel. Together they face many mysteries and uncover unexpected truths including the nature of Saito's power and the truth behind Louise's inability to cast magic.


When I watched this anime, the first impression about this anime is that the setting appears to be very much a rip-off of Harry Potter's famed Hogwarts. But then when I watch this anime continuously, I found it is not very similiar... Just my first impression. :P But again, it's yes as it is much basically similiar to Hogwarts. A mage school.... And the world is wonderfully blended with such nice and soft colors that added with somewhat effects!

The characters in this anime are quite pleasure,often stuck to the humor and to relationship octagon, makes a full series of comedy. Satio just come from other world but he quickly become a likeable person at Tristain's! One who has a crush on him! One who goes crazy after him! One who becomes his rival! One who feel annoyed with him! Arr, all about him?! -.-" Those main characters in anime shares the common with Yuuji and Shana in Shakuga no Shana. Louise and Shana are both noticably fecrocious while Saito and Yuuji are both blindingly dumb!

Oh my! I don't know that there have 2nd season of ZnT: Futatsuki no Kishi; translated as "Knight of the Two Moons"! I must go to shop and buy this anime. Will do a review for you ya.

Btw, the manga is availble as well. Visit Zero no Tsukaima and enjoy reading ya!



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