15 July, 2008


MythBusters is an American popular science television program on the Discovery Channel starring American special effects experts, Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, who use basic elements of the scientific method to test the validity of various rumors, urban legends, myths and news stories in popular culture. Mythbusters is typically shot in San Francisco; planning and some experimentation takes place at the cast's workshops; some experiments that require more space or special accommodations are filmed on location around the Bay, and occasionally the show travels to other states or countries.. Visit the website Discovery; Mythbusters

Mythbusters is my favorite show, will be exploring the rumors about if you leave your Xmas tree lights on all night it just might burst into flames!! Fun!! Also, a very dangerous vodka myth! The lovely and talented Kari will find out if pouring vodka on a jellyfish sting will ease the pain. Personally, if I got stung by a jelly fish, I'd drink the vokda. But that's just me. It is funny when the other team-three expert assistants;Kart, Tory and Grant try to build some serious alien technology - anti-gravity.. Kart is cheerful girl, who really enjoy to do some experitmentation! That is why she is very good in her favourite subject; science. Grant is a genius?! He can bulid the electronics, and technology by himself.. o_O Tory is good bulider, but he likes to give a try to test some dangerous things by himself!

Try to catch AXN, channel 701 at 9.oopm on every saturday! :D



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